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发布时间:2014-05-14 09:35


[3] PhD candidate vs PhD student (http://academia.stackexchange.com/questions/10972/phd-candidate-vs-phd-student)

发布时间:2020-01-15 09:23



发布时间:2019-06-22 09:16


有人认为应该叫PHD candidate。然而,西方也存在PHD student与PHD researcher的说法。这三种名称都可以使用,但其含义却并不相同,在不同时间段或不同场合换用这三种称呼会产生不同的印象。 在美国,PHDcandidate是指已完成博士学位的所有

发布时间:2023-12-29 00:00


This PhD project is highly interdisciplinary, and the successful PhD candidate will need to have a strong background in HCI methods and the ability to learn how to implement prototype software solutions on commercially availa

发布时间:2021-12-16 00:00


there is an error in the constructor in studentPhD class, and here is the code: #include <iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class student{ protected: string name; int id; int level; int i; public:

发布时间:2017-01-25 14:40


Group members We are currently seeking brilliant and highly motivated M.Sc. students, Ph.D. candidates (see PhD opening here) and post-docs (see opening here) to join our laboratory. If you believe to be an

发布时间:2024-02-21 00:00


Earning an MS while enrolled in BA, BS, or PhD program at the University of Chicago I am a current PhD student at the University of Chicago. Can I simultaneously enroll in the Statistics MS program?

发布时间:2023-08-07 00:00


Stay informed about the latest news and updates from ISM, an international business school offering executive programs, MBA, DBA, and PhD degrees.

发布时间:2016-05-12 13:50


and to supervise graduate student research. In the case of an appointment with tenure, the candidate must already be internationally recognized and have a demonstrated record of external research funding. A Ph.D. is require

发布时间:2024-02-28 09:56


Given that I haven’t followed a ‘traditional’ academic path, people sometimes ask if I regret spending time getting a PhD. In short, no. I have very fond memories of my time as a PhD student (even with the

发布时间:2020-08-16 00:00


For instance, con- sider the following DL (inconsistent) knowledge base KB = (TBox , ABox ) where TBox = {(phdstudent ?candidate); (phdstudent rich candidate)}, and January 20, 2007 21:13 WSPC/ws-ijitdm itdm

发布时间:2015-05-19 00:00


Nina Higson-Sweeney, PhD Student, University of Bath Beth Hindhaugh, Research Assistant, University of Oxford Kerrie-Anne Ho, PhD Candidate, University of New South Wales, Australia Chris Hollis, Professor of Child & Adoles

发布时间:2023-11-08 00:00


DISCLAIMER – PRIZES & AWARDS In the case where Faculty/Student Prizes or Awards may be listed, the Faculty does not bind itself to award any or all of the listed prizes/awards contained herein or its stated value

发布时间:2015-02-05 15:46


Tiffany Puett (2011) is a PhD candidate in the Laurier-Waterloo Joint PhD Program in Religious Diversity in North America. She’s currently working on her dissertation, entitled “The Political Discourse of Religious Plurali

发布时间:2020-06-10 00:00


A full-time student is defined in Degree Regulations MPH4 and PHD4, see Appendices XI & XII. Supervisors are appointed for each candidate by the Board of Graduate Studies on the advice of the relevant Faculty.

发布时间:2023-09-16 00:00


Each research student will be appointed a supervisor(s) or Thesis Committee (for PhD candidate), who is/are responsible for providing the necessary guidance as well as take part in the evaluation of the student's

发布时间:2019-02-19 14:22


Q: What is the difference between PhD candidate and PhD student? A1: During the studies that lead to the degree, thestudentis called adoctoral studentorPhD student; astudentwho has completed all of their coursework and

发布时间:2019-09-02 11:05


博士被录取了,叫PhD student, 通过过了qualification exam,叫PhD candidate,拿到学位证才叫PhD 赞(11) 回应 原来是这样 2019-09-02 23:22:06 楼上说的靠谱. 加一点:在PhD项目,Doctoral student=PhD student。某些博士不是PhD,比

发布时间:2014-06-20 19:31


candidate,但是要修一定的课程,如果课程通过(相当于中国的硕士毕业),你就成为了PhD student。

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